6:20 am today... RING RING... goes my alarm! Got out of bed, ate, and headed off to the East Coast for
Jams Bucks Day! Yay! We hit the surf, and we went hard core. I kinda froze to death, as the wetsuit I was wearing had short sleeves and arms. But that was cool :-)

I sorta stood up on the first wave I caught! However it wasn't long after that, that my hands and feet started to go numb. I discovered that surfing is rather hard when you are numb limps, so I ditched the board and went body surfing instead!

After that we all went off to get some hot chippies for lunch! So good after a big surf :-p Then we played a game of Olly Oop. Which is an awesome game which involves passing the ball around while doing crazy jumps, and trying to stay in the circle!
We then did the usual Bucks Night things.
How tough is my camera?On the way home, I left my digital camera sitting on the top of the car. So the combination of a corner and 100 or so clicks caused it to fall off the roof. We heard a thud, and we all turned around, only the see my camera rolling along the road.
Anyway, we u-bolted, and picked it up... and guess what? It still works fine! A few minor scratches and a very slightly munted battery bay is about all that happened. Keep in mind that the road was sealed, and the camera was not in it's case. That's a pretty good effort I think... Not even the lens or the LCD display got a single scratch!! Also the sudden jolt didn't corrupted any data on the memory card either.
Thank you Jesus!
That reminds me of the Usb Flash disk that I left in the pocket of my jeans while they were been washed. So the flash disk survived both the washing machine and the drier.... and it still worked fine. Actually, I'm still using it!